

How To Apply

Registrations for Ananda Run are now closed.

You can use ANY ONE of the following modes for applying for this Event.

Individual Entries:

Online: Individual registrants can apply online

Group Entries (20 or above applications):

A. Online: Each member of the group will have to register individually on using the group prepaid code/s. Group prepaid code/s need to be purchased in bulk, please call our helpline number +919867722855 (10 am to 7 pm, Monday to Saturday) or email at to purchase group prepaid codes.

B. Physical forms: Deposit application forms along with requisite application fees and covering letter at our Registration office. Please call our helpline number +91 9867722855 (10 am to 7 pm, Monday to Saturday) or email at to receive and submit forms. Please refer to the entry rules and guidelines for details. Applications will be accepted up to 7 pm, Friday, 22nd November 2024, or as soon as running places are filled, whichever is earlier.

Payment Mode:

  • Credit Card and Debit cards (can only be used during online registrations)
  • UPI (can only be used during online registrations).
  • Net Banking (can only be used during online registrations)
  • Cheque (only cheques payable at par will be accepted)
  • Demand Draft/Pay Order (payable at Kolkata)


1) All cheques and demand drafts to be drawn in favor of “PROCAM INTERNATIONAL PVT. LTD.”.

2) Also write your full name, the race category chosen and contact number on the reverse of cheque/demand draft.