Tata Steel World 25K Kolkata | 14th December 2025 | 278 days 18 hours 59 minutes 45 seconds

    Feel The Spirit

    Is the third Sunday of December every year about distances, hours, endurance and fitness? Or is there a bigger picture: about people, place and times.

    Tata Steel Kolkata 25K is the third Sunday of December every year about distances, hours, endurance and fitness? Or is there a bigger picture: about people, place and times.

    The Tata Steel Kolkata 25K is about rhythms: the individual and the collective. And nothing evokes the latter better than the wondrous city of Kolkata. So it’s no wonder that races are known by the cities that host them. And it’s not an arms-length relationship the city has with the race; on the contrary, Kolkata embraces the event: arterial roads are closed for traffic; landmarks are in sync with human ones, as runners race past these edifices.

    There’s a new rhythm in the air: of the slap of tread patterns on asphalt; heavy breathing; the cheering of crowds; the tempo of dhunuchi dancers; the emotions of participants and elation of individual triumphs. It’s moments strung together in a celebration of humanity.

    And it is this celebratory spirit at the heart of the TSK25K that is evoked on race day. A celebration not just of runners, but of people at large: fundraisers to volunteers; armed forces to city authorities; local artists to sporting greats; from all walks of life; young and elderly. Not just along the race route, but from the four corners of the city and further.

    The Tata Steel Kolkata 25K embodies the emotions this unique event evokes, in the city that’s its home, the city called Kolkata.

    There’s a saying in Bengal. Baro mashe, tero parbon (13 festivals in 12 months). However there is only one festival that celebrates the sporting spirit of the city and its people.

    Tata Steel Kolkata 25K,
