Introducing Vikram Chhibber, a team player with a strong adventure streak. A fighter with “Never Give Up” as his motto, Vikram believes that any endurance sport is about mental and physical synchronisation. It brings one closer to their intuitive self as a human being. Vikram was born in Delhi and is settled in Chandigarh. He has been into endurance sports since 2003. He has competed numerous runs of all categories and is an avid sportsman having a few podium finishes to his credit. Vikram’s pinnacle victory was the coveted cross country gold medal during his Air Force training days. Vikram likes to engage in multiple sports like cycling, running, swimming, golfing etc. An aviation engineer by profession, Vikram hails from an army background and is a hardcore aviation professional in service of this nation since 2003. He is aiming to complete his Procam Slam at TSW25K 2024, which is his third pacing assignment in Kolkata.
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